Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm so tired, I can't even think of a title...

I've been absent from posting for a good reason. The Pumpkin is sick. I am currently at 6 hours of sleep in 48 hours.  Who knew a cold, lungs that have us calling her a dragon, and 4 new teeth could be such a monster in an infant. Usually I'm witty, charming, and thoughtful on this blog (or at least I like to think I am). But today, I'm smelly, exhausted, and worried. Really, I think she'll be fine, but its hard to watch your little one scream, and not have much to do for her.  Did everyone know that they just took all infant cold medicine off the shelves recently? I would pay for some FDA approved black market stuff.

I've logged about 7 hours in the car over the last two days, because that seems to be the only place she'll sleep for more than an hour. I've also found all the drive-thru Starbucks in town, because that is the only way I can stay awake while driving. I'm happy to report that the new spinich/feta/egg white wrap at Starbucks is pretty good and comes in at 280 calories. I've also tortured her with the snot sucker, taken her in the shower-where she fell asleep because she could breath, rubbed vapor rub on her chest, let her watch TV(something we never do), given her multiple doses of Tylenol, and held her while she screamed....for hours.

 I now know how crappy it is to take PTO to stay home with a sick kid.  It's 3 times harder than going to work.

Before I get some sleep before the next midnight revolution......nevermind, I'm already halfway there.



  1. So sorry to hear the Pumpkin is sick. Been there, hated that, too. Have you tried a humidifier in her room? We used to have E sleep in her bouncer chair, so she'd been upright for better drainage. You can use saline spray to loosen the snot and help keep her passages from drying out. We also used homeopathic teething tablets from Hyland's - I think they helped a little. But the worst is definitely that there's no magic pill to fix it and that just sucks.

  2. Great blog. I am your new follower, come visit me when you can
