Monday, February 15, 2010

How many diapers should I bring?

First, we were on our way to see my aunt, who was gracefully saying her goodbyes to loved ones after 3 years of fighting off cancer.  She passed away this last week, but I know, if she could have seen this story, she would have thought it was hilarious.  We were so lucky to have time with her, and for her to meet our daughter before she passed away.  She will be missed.

Our plans were close to last minute considering the circumstances, we had made our reservations about 2 weeks in advance.  We were blissfully unaware of what is now known as "Snowmagedden". When you travel with an infant, you need to plan and pack, and plan some more. I am a planner, and everything has a place, and we were in good shape for a quick 4 day trip to the east coast.  We brought the heavy guns this time, which means the carseat, the base for the carseat, the stroller, the diaper bag, a baby bjorn, and mom and dad each with their own backpack.  Plus, we were going from sunny california to sub 30 degree temperatures, so we were also carrying coats, scarves, and hats. 

Fast Forward....we landed a full 24 hours after we were supposed to land on the way there, it was a LONG trip.  Our daughter only had one diaper blowout in the Phoenix airport, and was pretty good the whole way felt like the trip home would be a piece of cake considering the time it took to get there.

Never underestimate the power of a child.  We have, what most people consider, to be an easy baby.  She has been sleeping through the night since she was 2 months old, and she really only cries when she needs something.  However, 2 hours into our 5 hour flight home from the east coast things went bad.  Our daughter started screaming, and we couldn't get her to go to sleep.  I had bought extra diapers in the airport...(for anyone that has tried to do this, they only carry size 3 and charge you $7 for 2 diapers, I assume because they can, assholes).  Really, I thought we had enough, but she proved us wrong, and we ran out.  First we tried just putting a cloth diaper in the pajamas, but I sat down, and quickly felt a warm rush of liquid run down my leg. Next, it was last resort, no other babies on the flight, what I did next I am not proud of, but I needed to do something. 

I used the maxi-pads in the bathroom.  I plastered one in her already wet pajamas...did I mention we were out of clothes too, do to an earlier diaper blowout?  I held that baby in the back of the plane, swaying side to side for almost 2 hours, until she finally decided to calm down and go to sleep, just as we descended. 

For those of you out there that don't have kids......
1) I do not want my baby to scream any more than you do, I promise
2) When two parents look at each other and say "I don't know what else to do" they mean it, be afraid, be very afraid.

For those of you that do have kids...
1) Bring enough diapers, and don't be cheap, if you think you are going to run out, buy double what you think you need.
2) If you run out, maxi pads do actually work.


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